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The Psychology of Depression and Anxiety - Dr. Scott Eilers

The Psychology of Depression and Anxiety - Dr. Scott Eilers
A Psychologists’s Guide to Surviving The Loneliness Epidemic

A Psychologists’s Guide to Surviving The Loneliness Epidemic

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Why You Self-Sabotage And How To Stop

Why You Self-Sabotage And How To Stop

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Coping with severe depression, strong ambition, and high intellect

Coping with severe depression, strong ambition, and high intellect

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3 Quick Ways To Stop Overthinking

3 Quick Ways To Stop Overthinking

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Mindfulness Meditation in 20 Minutes (Guided Meditation Technique, Anxiety Depression Stress Relief)

Mindfulness Meditation in 20 Minutes (Guided Meditation Technique, Anxiety Depression Stress Relief)

This is a 20 minute "how to" or introduction to guided mindfulness meditation. This meditation uses the mindful technique of focusing awareness to sensations of the breath. This is an ancient practice with very modern, real world results which have been scientifically proven. Daily meditation such as this can help reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and general stress. Modern therapies, such as cognitive based behavioural therapies (CBT), and acceptance and commitment therapies (ACT), suggest integrating mindfulness as part of an overall approach to improved mind and body health. Popular authors such as Eckhart Tolle have also brought awareness to the practice of being present in the now, which can help alleviate the burdens of the overly active thinking mind. Download this track: Downloads on iTunes: Subscribe for more hypnosis: *New* Depression & Anxiety Recovery Pack 5 x MP3 Digital Audio Collection here: ► Popular Playlists: Guided Meditations: 7 Day Self Hypnosis Personal Transformation Challenge: Sleep Hypnosis: Hypnosis for Anxiety: ......................... This session is suitable for repeated listening, and regular meditation is suggested as often as you wish. Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. This recording is in no way a replacement for any prescribed medication; nor is it intended to contraindicate or supersede any medically diagnosed conditions. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The power for positive change resides within your own mind. If you choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, you can rest comfortably knowing that you are the one safely in control of your own positive results. This channel uses positive voice suggestions, often accompanied with calm images, background sounds and meditation music, to allow you your very best state of relaxation, inner change, to remove negative blocks, and to create self guided healing therapy; with techniques from the fields of hypnotherapy, modern psychotherapy, trance work, guided relaxation, NLP, cognitive behavioural psychology, mindfulness meditation, and ASMR. Peace & Enjoy P.S. Please LINK & SHARE this video with those who you think might benefit from positive hypnosis and guided meditation. Thank you. MY MP3 TRACK COLLECTIONS DOWNLOAD BELOW: 5 Hypnosis Sessions MP3 Collection: Sleep Hypnosis Ultimate Special Collection 5 x MP3s More positive Playlists & Video Sessions for your consideration: General Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy: ► All Guided Meditations: ► Hypnosis for Bedtime Sleep & Insomnia: ► Subconscious Confidence, Motivation, Self Esteem & Success: ► Guided Self Healing & Positive Energy: ► Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis: ► Astral Travel & Astral Projection: ► Hypnosis for Brain Power & Improved Self Mind Control: ► Hypnosis with Binaural Beats & Brainwaves Music: ► Hypnosis for Higher Self & Spirit Guide: ► Hypnosis for ASMR: ► _____ Original footage and photography by Michael Sealey © 2014.
Hypnosis for Clearing Subconscious Negativity

Hypnosis for Clearing Subconscious Negativity

This is a powerful guided self hypnosis trance experience designed to allow you to sweep away your own subconscious negativity and negative blocks. Clear out all of your subconscious or unconscious negative thoughts, old habits, and emotional baggage with your own positive mind control. Enjoy deep relaxation and improved focus, as you take this time to create your own most beneficial behaviours, by discovering new and empowering choices. With regular self hypnosis, you can truly allow your powerful, positive thinking self to emerge for your best present and brighter future. This session uses principles of deep trance relaxation, visualization and elements of hypnotherapy to help you to overcome your own internal blocks which may be preventing you from living the happier, emotionally freer life you truly deserve. This track is suitable for repeated listening, for anytime you would like to strengthen and compound your own internal positivity or engage with your higher self. ......................... Sleep Version download of this track ("Wake up" ending is removed): My iTunes: Subscribe for more hypnosis: Depression & Anxiety Recovery Pack 5 x MP3 Digital Audio Collection here: ► Popular Playlists: Guided Meditations: ► 7 Day Self Hypnosis Personal Transformation Challenge: ► Sleep Hypnosis: ► Hypnosis for Anxiety: ► ......................... Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. This hypnosis video and audio recording is in no way a replacement for any prescribed medication; nor is it intended to contraindicate or supersede any medically diagnosed conditions. The author accepts no responsibility for the use of the material herein, which is presented for entertainment or educational purposes only. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The power for positive change resides within your own mind. If you choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, you can rest comfortably knowing that you are the one safely in control of your own positive results. This channel uses positive voice suggestions, often accompanied with calm images, background sounds and meditation music, to allow you your very best state of relaxation, inner change, to remove negative blocks, and to create self guided healing therapy; with techniques from the fields of hypnotherapy, modern psychotherapy, trance work, guided relaxation, NLP, cognitive behavioural psychology, mindfulness meditation, and ASMR. Peace & Enjoy P.S. Please LINK & SHARE this video with those who you think might benefit from positive hypnosis and guided meditation. Thank you. MY MP3 AUDIO COLLECTION DOWNLOADS BELOW: 5 Hypnosis Sessions MP3 Collection: Sleep Hypnosis Ultimate Special Collection 5 x MP3s ......................... More positive Playlists & Video Sessions for your consideration: General Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy: ► All Guided Meditations: ► Hypnosis for Bedtime Sleep & Insomnia: ► Subconscious Confidence, Motivation, Self Esteem & Success: ► Guided Self Healing & Positive Energy: ► Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis: ► Astral Travel & Astral Projection: ► Hypnosis for Brain Power & Improved Self Mind Control: ► Hypnosis with Binaural Beats & Brainwaves Music: ► Hypnosis for Higher Self & Spirit Guide: ► Hypnosis for ASMR: ► _____ Original footage & photography by Michael Sealey
Guided Meditation for Detachment From Over-Thinking (Anxiety / OCD / Depression)

Guided Meditation for Detachment From Over-Thinking (Anxiety / OCD / Depression)

This meditation encourages a calm awareness of the breath, and also a gentle detachment from the habits of rumination (ie. over-thinking). This session is useful for alleviating symptoms of anxiety, OCD, and depression. Download this track: My iTunes: ► My Depression & Anxiety Recovery Pack 5 x MP3 Digital Audio Collection here: ► Subscribe for more positive meditation: Popular Playlists: 7 Day Self Hypnosis Personal Transformation Challenge: Hypnosis for Confidence & Self Esteem: Welcome to this guided meditation which is designed to train your mind for calm detachment from any unwanted patterns of over-thinking. By practicing these mindful techniques of conscious observation and self acceptance, you will find you are more able to quieten and relax an overly active mind -- and also naturally increase your body's healthy energy, to become a more self assured person in the present moment. This meditation experience may be repeated as often as you choose to reinforce your positive intentions. By your own inner direction may you continue to find your greatest waking potential. This session is suitable and recommended for repeated listening, and regular listening will help compound positive suggestions and / or your own positive results. The end of this session will provide options for either drifting into a sound night's sleep, or for returning to your fully conscious, awake and alert, positive mind state. Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. This recording is in no way a replacement for any prescribed medication; nor is it intended to contraindicate or supersede any medically diagnosed conditions. Please always consult your health care professional for your best advice in all medical issues. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The power for positive change resides within your own mind. If you choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, you can rest comfortably knowing that you are the one safely in control of your own positive experience. This channel uses positive voice suggestions, often accompanied with calm images, background sounds and meditation music, to allow you your very best state of relaxation, inner change, to remove negative blocks, and to create self guided healing therapy; with techniques from the fields of hypnotherapy, modern psychotherapy, trance work, guided relaxation, NLP, cognitive behavioural psychology, mindfulness meditation, and ASMR. Peace & Enjoy P.S. Please LINK & SHARE this video with those who you think might benefit from positive hypnosis and guided meditation. Thank you. ......................... More MP3 Download Collections: 5 Hypnosis Sessions Special Collection MP3s: Sleep Hypnosis Ultimate Special Collection 5 x MP3s More positive Playlists & Video Sessions for your consideration: General Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy: ► All Guided Meditations: ► Hypnosis for Bedtime Sleep & Insomnia: ► Subconscious Confidence, Motivation, Self Esteem & Success: ► Guided Self Healing & Positive Energy: ► Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis: ► Astral Travel & Astral Projection: ► Hypnosis for Brain Power & Improved Self Mind Control: ► Hypnosis with Binaural Beats & Brainwaves Music: ► Hypnosis for Higher Self & Spirit Guide: ► Hypnosis for ASMR: ► ____ Original footage and photography by Michael Sealey © 2015 Royalty Free Stock Footage and Animations credits: Footage Island Music credit: "Tranquility Base" Kevin MacLeod
1 Hour Sleep Hypnosis: Higher Self Healing for Depression & Anxiety

1 Hour Sleep Hypnosis: Higher Self Healing for Depression & Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are significant issues for so many people. I have made this guided hypnotherapy session for you especially to let yourself relax deeply as you listen along to gentle and positive suggestions. These suggestions will speak directly to the powers of your own subconscious, healing mind so that you may finally take control of your own peace, motivation and well being. Download this track: My iTunes: Subscribe for more hypnosis: Depression & Anxiety Recovery Pack 5 x MP3 Digital Audio Collection here: ► Popular Playlists: 7 Day Self Hypnosis Personal Transformation Challenge: Sleep Hypnosis: Hypnosis for Anxiety: ......................... Hypnosis is simply a state of very deep relaxation, a lot like pleasant daydreaming, where positive and helpful suggestions are more readily accepted by our deeper functioning selves. I hope that you will find this recording to bring you calmer emotions, an improved night's sleep, and an overall happier, healthier and more in control mindset as you find yourself enjoying an easier life. May you continue to enjoy your time listening to, and experiencing, all of the benefits of positive suggestions. This hypnosis session is suitable and recommended for repeated listening. ___________ This is a guided hypnosis video and audio session for deep relaxation, designed to enable an experiential communication between your conscious and subconscious or unconscious mind. A higher level of personal congruency can be realised when we are able to listen to our deeper truth. You may find the answers to many ongoing personal problems and issues, if you simply take the time to ask your inner self for a new direction. Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. This recording is in no way a replacement for any prescribed medication; nor is it intended to contraindicate or supersede any medically diagnosed conditions. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The power for positive change resides within your own mind. If you choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, you can rest comfortably knowing that you are the one safely in control of your own positive results. This channel uses positive voice suggestions, often accompanied with calm images, background sounds and meditation music, to allow you your very best state of relaxation, inner change, to remove negative blocks, and to create self guided healing therapy; with techniques from the fields of hypnotherapy, modern psychotherapy, trance work, guided relaxation, NLP, cognitive behavioural psychology, mindfulness meditation, and ASMR. Peace & Enjoy P.S. Please LINK & SHARE this video with those who you think might benefit from positive hypnosis and guided meditation. Thank you. ADDITIONAL MP3 AUDIO FILE DOWNLOADS BELOW 5 Hypnosis Sessions Collection MP3s: Sleep Hypnosis Ultimate Special Collection 5 x MP3s More positive Playlists & Video Sessions for your consideration: General Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy: ► All Guided Meditations: ► Hypnosis for Bedtime Sleep & Insomnia: ► Subconscious Confidence, Motivation, Self Esteem & Success: ► Guided Self Healing & Positive Energy: ► Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis: ► Hypnosis for Brain Power & Improved Self Mind Control: ► Hypnosis for Higher Self & Spirit Guide: ► Hypnosis for ASMR: ► _____ Original audio and composition by Michael Sealey © 2014. Royalty Free Stock Footage and Animations credits: Footage Island Beachfront B-Roll: Free Stock Footage
Hypnosis for Self Healing Energy (Thank You 30,000+ Subscribers!)

Hypnosis for Self Healing Energy (Thank You 30,000+ Subscribers!)

This guided hypnosis session for self healing energy, is for positively improving your health in all ways - body, mind & spirit - with relaxing suggestions for a self healing focus and holistic well being. By tapping into your own powerful, subconscious mind you will be able to focus your own deeper resources to help increase your natural healthy energy and inner healing abilities. This journey may be repeated as often as you choose to reinforce your positive health intentions. By your own inner direction may you continue to find your greatest waking potential. Download this MP3 track: Sleep Hypnosis Special Collection: My Downloads on iTunes: Subscribe for more hypnosis: Popular Playlists: 7 Day Self Hypnosis Personal Transformation Challenge: Sleep Hypnosis: Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis: Hypnosis for Anxiety: ......................... This session is suitable and recommended for repeated listening, and regular listening will help compound positive suggestions and / or your own positive results. The end of this session will provide options for either drifting into a sound night's sleep, or for returning to your fully conscious, awake and alert, positive mind state. Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. This recording is in no way a replacement for any prescribed medication; nor is it intended to contraindicate or supersede any medically diagnosed conditions. Please always consult your health care professional for your best advice in all medical issues. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The power for positive change resides within your own mind. If you choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, you can rest comfortably knowing that you are the one safely in control of your own positive experience. This channel uses positive voice suggestions, often accompanied with calm images, background sounds and meditation music, to allow you your very best state of relaxation, inner change, to remove negative blocks, and to create self guided healing therapy; with techniques from the fields of hypnotherapy, modern psychotherapy, trance work, guided relaxation, NLP, cognitive behavioural psychology, mindfulness meditation, and ASMR. Peace & Enjoy P.S. Please LINK & SHARE this video with those who you think might benefit from positive hypnosis and guided meditation. Thank you. ......................... More MP3 Download Collections: 5 Hypnosis Sessions Special Collection MP3s: Sleep Hypnosis Ultimate Special Collection 5 x MP3s More positive Playlists & Video Sessions for your consideration: General Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy: ► All Guided Meditations: ► Hypnosis for Bedtime Sleep & Insomnia: ► Subconscious Confidence, Motivation, Self Esteem & Success: ► Guided Self Healing & Positive Energy: ► Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis: ► Astral Travel & Astral Projection: ► Hypnosis for Brain Power & Improved Self Mind Control: ► Hypnosis with Binaural Beats & Brainwaves Music: ► Hypnosis for Higher Self & Spirit Guide: ► Hypnosis for ASMR: ► ____ Original footage and photography by Michael Sealey © 2015
Deep Sleep Hypnosis for Mind Body Spirit Cleansing (Rain & Music for Guided Dreams Self Healing)

Deep Sleep Hypnosis for Mind Body Spirit Cleansing (Rain & Music for Guided Dreams Self Healing)

Welcome to this guided deep sleep hypnosis session with spoken words, natural rain sounds and sleeping music. This session will speak directly to your deepest subconscious resources to trigger within you powerful natural healing responses as you sleep and positively dream. Download this digital MP3 track: ► Downloads on iTunes: ► Sleep Meditation 4 x MP3 Digital Audio Collection here: ► Depression & Anxiety Recovery Pack 5 x MP3 Digital Audio Collection here: ► Subscribe for more meditation & hypnosis: ► Popular Playlists: Guided Meditations: ► 7 Day Self Hypnosis Personal Transformation Challenge: ► Sleep Hypnosis: ► Hypnosis for Anxiety: ► All guided messages in this track will allow you to move effortlessly into your beautiful lucid dreams, where your automatic higher self's wisdom will focus your holistic healing intentions to your total emotional, physical and spiritual well being. This session is suitable and recommended for repeated listening, and regular listening will help compound positive suggestions and / or your own positive healing results. The end of this session will offer suggestions for drifting and dreaming into a naturally sound and refreshing bedtime sleep. As such, it is also ideal for assisting with symptoms of insomnia, depression and anxiety. Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. Peace & Enjoy P.S. Please LINK & SHARE this video with those who you think might benefit from positive hypnosis and guided meditation. Thank you. #sleephypnosis #michaelsealey #deepsleephypnosis ......................... More MP3 Download Collections: 5 Hypnosis Sessions MP3 Collection: Sleep Hypnosis Ultimate Special Collection 5 x MP3s ......................... More positive Playlists & Video Sessions for your consideration: General Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy: ► All Guided Meditations: ► Hypnosis for Bedtime Sleep & Insomnia: ► Subconscious Confidence, Motivation, Self Esteem & Success: ► Guided Self Healing & Positive Energy: ► Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis: ► Astral Travel & Astral Projection: ► Hypnosis for Brain Power & Improved Self Mind Control: ► ____ Original vocals and photography by Michael Sealey © 2018
Sleep Hypnosis Relaxation Guided Sleep Talk Down for Insomnia (Calm Music Soft Ocean Waves)

Sleep Hypnosis Relaxation Guided Sleep Talk Down for Insomnia (Calm Music Soft Ocean Waves)

This is a guided sleep hypnosis relaxation session which I have recorded for you to assist with problems of insomnia and falling asleep. When it is time for your sleep, just listen and follow along with my voice during the simple talkdown meditation, which will provide you with positive, deeper mind suggestions, which will all speak gently and easily to your relaxing subconscious self. This track also features calm and gentle background sleep music combined with the naturally relaxing sounds and rhythms of ocean beach waves, so that you may truly rest in body, mind and spirit, as you drift off into your pleasant dreams ... Download this track: My iTunes: Subscribe for more hypnosis: Popular Playlists: 7 Day Self Hypnosis Personal Transformation Challenge: Sleep Hypnosis: Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis: Hypnosis for Anxiety: ......................... This session is suitable for repeated listening, and regular listening will compound positive suggestions and / or your own positive results. The end of this session will not awaken you, instead it will allow you to continue to drift and dream deeply into a complete and satisfying night's rest, so that you might awaken after your sleep's full duration feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and revived for your days ahead. Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. This recording is in no way a replacement for any prescribed medication; nor is it intended to contraindicate or supersede any medically diagnosed conditions. The author accepts no responsibility or liability for use of this material. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The power for positive change resides within your own mind. If you choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, you can rest comfortably knowing that you are the one safely in control of your own positive results. This channel uses positive voice suggestions, often accompanied with calm images, background sounds and meditation music, to allow you your very best state of relaxation, inner change, to remove negative blocks, and to create self guided healing therapy; with techniques from the fields of hypnotherapy, modern psychotherapy, trance work, guided relaxation, NLP, cognitive behavioural psychology, mindfulness meditation, and ASMR. Peace & Enjoy P.S. Please LINK & SHARE this video with those who you think might benefit from positive hypnosis and guided meditation. Thank you. DOWNLOADABLE MP3 AUDIO COLLECTIONS: 5 Hypnosis Sessions Collection MP3s: Sleep Hypnosis Ultimate Special Collection 5 x MP3s More positive Playlists & Video Sessions for your consideration: General Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy: ► All Guided Meditations: ► Hypnosis for Bedtime Sleep & Insomnia: ► Subconscious Confidence, Motivation, Self Esteem & Success: ► Guided Self Healing & Positive Energy: ► Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis: ► Astral Travel & Astral Projection: ► Hypnosis for Brain Power & Improved Self Mind Control: ► Hypnosis with Binaural Beats & Brainwaves Music: ► Hypnosis for Higher Self & Spirit Guide: ► Hypnosis for ASMR: ► _____ Wallpaper image: Royalty Free Stock Footage: FootageIsland #sleephypnosis #sleeptalkdown #hypnosisforsleep
Hypnosis to Stop Procrastination (Overcome Anxiety, Perfectionism & Stop Procrastinating)

Hypnosis to Stop Procrastination (Overcome Anxiety, Perfectionism & Stop Procrastinating)

A powerful and relaxing guided hypnosis for re-programming your subconscious mind to stop procrastinating, overcome perfectionism and move forwards with your life by taking action NOW. Download this track here: My iTunes: Subscribe for more hypnosis: Popular Playlists: 7 Day Self Hypnosis Personal Transformation Challenge: Sleep Hypnosis: Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis: Hypnosis for Anxiety: ......................... Rain Hypnosis For Attracting Wealth MP3 Download: 5 Hypnosis Special Bundle Collection MP3s: Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. This recording is in no way a replacement for any prescribed medication; nor is it intended to contraindicate or supersede any medically diagnosed conditions. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The power for positive change resides within your own mind. If you choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, you can rest comfortably knowing that you are the one safely in control of your own positive results. Peace & Enjoy P.S. Please LINK & SHARE this video with those who you think might benefit from positive hypnosis and guided meditation. Thank you. Sleep Hypnosis Ultimate Special Collection 5 x MP3s __________ Royalty Free Stock Footage and Animations credits: Footage Island [Hypnosis. Hypnotherapy. Stop Procrastination.Stop Procrastinating. Overcome Procrastination. Self Hypnosis. Trance. Guided Meditation. Guided Relaxation. Guided Imagery. Sleep Hypnosis Relaxation. Subconscious Habits. Positive Motivation. Hypnosis for Success. Take Action. Sleep Story. Sleep Music. Music. Good Drams. Anxiety. Perfectionism. Induction. Mind Techniques. Lucid Dreaming. Astral Projection. Spoken Voice. Mind Control. Positive Psychology. Brainwaves. Binaural Beats. Mind Power. Remove Negative Blocks. NLP. EFT. ASMR.]
Gratitude vs Depression

Gratitude vs Depression

What is gratitude? Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Gratitude is another form of appreciation. Psychology says gratitude can help us overcome depression, feel more thankful for losses. In this video, we cover an exercise to cultivate gratitude. Living with depression and its many side effects is not easy but there are things you can do to improve the quality of your life for a brighter tomorrow. PROJECT MANAGER: Erin Bogo ORIGINAL ARTICLE Gabrielle Lafrank + Link : SCRIPT Paul Daniel-Torres VOICE OVER Keilani Y. ART, ANIMATION & EDITING Zyanya Méndez + Twitter : + Tumblr : EDITING FEEDBACK: Risha Maes MORE Pysch2Go + Website : + Twitter : + Facebook : + Tumblr : Sources: Emmons, R.A. (2008). Thanks! How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier. New York: Houghton Mifflin. Emmons, R.A, & McCullough, M.E. (2003). “Counting Blessings versus Burdens: An Experimental Investigation of Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being in Daily Life.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(2), 377-389. Retrieved June 17, 2015, from (2003). McCullough, M., Cohen, A., & Kimeldorf, M. (2008). “An Adaptation for Altruism?” Current Directions in Psychological Science, 17(4), 281-285. Retrieved June 18, 2015, from BUSINESS OR LICENSING + Contact :
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